When words like flies swarm in my head
Sent by the Lord of Flies for dread
To root and strangle my weak heart
With my own words broken apart
Assembled into zombie meanings
Through the cloud of flies, seeming
Like the skin of my intent
But framing bones and gristle bent.
I should have said, I should have thought
I should have cared, I should have wrought
More carefully. Thou Shalts I cannot
Find yet feel are Written. Not
Proof but victim’s hurt condemns
And carries out the sentence, solemn
In self-righteousness though wrong.
These flies. In my eyes. I’m blind for how long?
These little biting stinging words
Emotion slicing cutting swords
Yet not the Word that surgically
Divides the soul and spirit free
From evil, bitterness and spite.
The bones stand straight. The eyes see light.
The flesh is healed. The flies are gone.
Words, exorcised. The Word, alone.
Why care what carrion lies beneath the flies
When I’ve been raised to live above the skies?
One thing I desire
This is what I seek
That my eyes may gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
I want to see reality.
I want to live in reality.